your body.
your birth.
your story.
Mabuhay! Ako si Hana.
Hello! My name is Hana (she/they) and I am a Pinay full spectrum birthworker, educator, and photographer who practices in the Greater Philadelphia Area (unceded Lenape land). I am originally from the beautiful Black Hills of South Dakota (unceded Lakota land), but I have studied, practiced, and “made home” in the Delaware Watershed since 2009.
My approach to birthwork is relational, evidence-based, and justice-oriented. I believe that every birthing person deserves to be supported, informed, and celebrated in their journey regardless of their identity or financial status. In my work, I affirm the creative power that is already within you to birth in the way that YOU desire. We deserve to thrive, not just survive.
I’m called to this work because birth/reproductive experiences are formative, meaning that they shape how we cultivate and “birth” all sorts of things - even beyond children. It can be a site of healing or trauma, a retelling of old painful narratives or the opportunity for a new enlivening story.
In the spirit of kapwa, I believe our healing and liberation is a shared and interconnective effort. I’m looking forward to getting to know you to see if we’d be a good fit!
Click below to learn more about me, my approach, and kapwa.
Kapwa is the concept of interdependency and interconnectedness that grounds Filipino culture and community. It may translate to “kindred” or “neighbor” but it is also meant to be a way of orienting that recognizes our shared identity and fuels our care for one another.
my offerings
reproductive support
This includes physical, emotional, and educational support for birthing people and their families who are navigating pregnancy, birth, postpartum, abortion, and loss. Support can be in-person or virtual and tailored to your specific needs.
birth photography
Birth photography captures the sacred and powerful moments throughout the journey of labor and birth. When clients hire me as an in-person birth doula, they can request professional birth photography as an addition to their package.
classes & workshops
Prenatal education is invaluable in preparing birthing families to birth and care for their newborn/s confidently and in a way that aligns with what matters most to them. Both private and group classes are available.
Birth Equity Fund
Amidst the pandemic crisis, the pre-existing challenges that Black, Brown, and PoC birthing people face in our society have significantly increased. Through this fund, you can support access to birth and postpartum doula care. Every birthing person deserves a supported and empowered birth regardless of their identity.
To donate, Venmo @philadoula “birth equity fund” in the description.These funds are kept in a separate account through Amalgamated Bank. To request doula support through the equity fund, use the contact form below.
episode: when your client’s provider and family are unsupportive
“Hana shares their story about supporting Lily (she/her) through the birth of her firstborn. The deck seemed stacked against Lily from the start. Even though Lily wanted an unmedicated birth, everyone in her family had given birth by cesarean, and Hana knew that Lily’s doctor had a very high cesarean rate.
When Hana got the call that Lily’s water had broken and that she was heading into the hospital for an induction, Hana tried not to jump to conclusions about how this birth would go.”
episode: when your client considers switching to a homebirth at 41 weeks
“Hana was going to support her close friend Annalise (she/her) through her pregnancy and birth. Annalise was set to have an unmedicated birth at the hospital, but when she reached forty weeks, COVID-19 hit, and shelter-in-place began. With Annalise now looking at different birthing options, Hana faced the possibility of providing virtual support for the first time, or hosting her friend’s birth in her own house.”
want to keep listening to more doula stories???
“Ajira & Keelia use storytelling to encourage, inform, and love on doulas. Each episode features a story told from the doula's perspective, with tips and thoughts shared along the way. Learn more at doulastories.com”
Let’s connect.
Email: doulahana@gmail.com
Supporting birthing people and families in the Greater Philadelphia Area.
Virtual education and support available internationally.
Follow me on Instagram below!